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How long will it take for my product to arrive?Updated a year ago

Orders are typically shipped within 2 business days, but please allow up to 4 days due to order volume. The shipping timeline begins after an order has shipped. Carriers may experience unexpected delays, which may increase the quoted timeline for a package to be delivered.

For orders within the U.S., Tracksmith offers standard shipping of 3-7 business days. We also offer express and overnight service for domestic shipping of orders under $800. We try our best to expedite the processing of rush shipping, but please still allow for a full business day to process and ship out.

Please note that business days include Monday through Friday except holidays.

On occasion, the carrier marks the package as delivered before making the drop-off or the package gets accidentally delivered to a neighbor. Please allow 2 business days after tracking states delivered.
If it doesn't appear, please let us know and we can follow up with the carrier and potentially reship the order.

For international orders, Tracksmith offers DHL Shipping which delivers to most locations within 7 days of transit. Please be sure to select the applicable country experience in the footer of our webpage to limit delays with shipping.

Please note that these shipping timelines are only estimates; once an order leaves our fulfillment center, there may be carrier or customs delays that are outside of our control. Additionally, we are not able to make address changes after an order is placed, so please be sure your shipping address and method are correct before placing your order.


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